Monday, February 05, 2007

I'm Dying

Well that's a little extreme but you know what i mean.

As a bloke you understand that when we get a cold it actually is not a cold but the flu. Generally known as Manflu, it is much worse than the strain the ladies get -generally known as the sniffles. I know you ladies get a bit exasperated by it all but believe me, it is worse than what you get. Scientifically proved, Manflu is much worse due to the fact that our flu attacks the muscles as well as the sinus. AS you ladies don't have so many muscles, the cold you get only attacks the fatty tissue of the body, and you have much more fat than us.

Anyway, i haven't just got Manflu but i have got Birdflu as well. Even worse than just plain old Manflu, Birdflu has the added complication of actually killing people. All because people in Norfolk sleep with their animals. Yes! In the biblical meaning of the sense. Dirty fuckers.

Now, i haven't slept with a turkey or a woman from Suffolk (much the same thing, really) so i reckon i caught the Birdflu from a Robin in my back garden. He turns up every day to eat my nuts. (No not gonads -proper peanutty type nuts) with a piece of straw in his mouth and a funny accented twirp. Putting 2&2 together, i reckon he's from Suffolk.

If this is correct, i reckon i've just invented a new strain of flu. ManBirdflu. Why? Because, not only having the symptoms on Manflu, i have taken to pecking off the tops of milk bottles and posing for Christmas card photographs. Truely a sign?

Before i die, i'm going to try flying south for the winter. If you see me, wish me a happy birthday; i'm 48 to day.


Suesjoy said...

Happy Birthday to you
You're twice twenty-four
Quite handsome and funny
And far from a bore!

Ok I tried.

I don't have any holistic remedies for ManBirdflu for you...sorry... Ok, I take that back - try a coffee enema! Treat yourself. Go ahead. Live it up on your birthday.

Hope you recover soon!

Have fun today,ok?


Ben R said...

Happy birhtday to you!!!

ManFluoobs - Colds that give men manboobs for no reason!

How do you know you're at a Norfolk wedding?
Everyone's on the same side of the Church!!

Turkey-like joke:

When's a pixie not a pixie?

When she's got her head down a gnome's trousers, then she's a goblin!!!


James Casey said...

Happy birthday, Evans the Delbut.

In case the worst happens, let us know where to send flowers - but DON'T tell us what we can do with them.

Anonymous said...

HEY DELBUT, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAN. THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO CELEBRATE WITH THE FLU AND ALL, RAVAGING YOUR BODY LIKE A MASS OF ANTS ON AN INSECT. CLEARLY YOU'RE NOT DRINKING ENOUGH. I'D SAY A PINT EVERY HOUR STARTING AT NOON TIL MIDNIGHT. SIX TIMES, ON THE HALF HOUR, ONE SHOT OF PREMIUM RUM. THIS WILL ACCELERATE YOUR FLU AND GET IT OUT OF YOUR SYSTEM. IT WILL ALSO MAKE YOU PISS LIKE A RACING HORSE. EITHER WAY YOUR MUSCLES WON'T HURT. GURANTEED!! After midnight, stagger down to your favourite strip joint and treat yourself to a lap dance. This won't do a thing for your flu but will nonetheless make you feel better. HAVE A happy ending! I have no idea why the beginning is in capital letters, I am not shouting, I am not shouting.

Delbut said...

Sue. Best remedy is for you to rub vapour on your chest and then i'll rub my face in your chest! Works for me.

BEn. You really need to stop buying cheap xmas crackers!

James. AS if i would. Sheesh. Anyway, make sure they are daffodils and my wife can sell them on during the next rugby game in Cardiff.

Rance. It's ok to shout; you are in Canada after all. I tried the lap dancing club but the bouncers wouldn't let me in due to me having sue's vapour rub all over my face. Nice.

Anne-Marie said...

Happy birthday, Del!

I'd be the first to volunteer my chest under normal circumstances, but seeing as how I've got the Womanflu, you'd just get a different strain and then have a strange desire to wear dresses and heels.

Hope we all get better!

Cathy with a C said...

Happy Birthday, Delbut! Hope you feel better. I work for a company that makes cold and flu products so I hope you're using the right brand of medicine. Although I've never heard of the application method you are proposing for the menthyl vapor rub, if you can find a willing partner, I think it would probably help cure the chills you might have with your flu.

Feel better!


pictures of lily said...

Hey, fat can be sore too you know!!
ManBirdFlu hm..
Playing with one's pecker too much also could be a symtom.
Take Paracetemol? and Sue's enema with a few pints and GET OVER IT!!
If this spreads to a woman, we could get urges to drink beer and flatulate, and become rather peckish (contributing to our fat)!

Suesjoy said...

That's it...I'm moving to Wales.

Suesjoy said...

New York got 9 feet yesterday.
Be happy you only got 9 "!


Nice recovery, ay?

BlackVelvetLace said...

Good one Sue! :P
