Friday, January 12, 2007

It's amazing what you find in magazines you read sitting on the toilet.

AS the title suggests, i found this little gem of an interview with Pete Townshend ( Neil's real father and spiritual guru)

The interview was in a little-known, local paper who's usual articles are about who has been in court and what the new "out-of-town shopping centre" will mean to YOU, the shopper and YOU, the poor old town butcher who will have to shut. (like i care)

Anyway, they sent their TOP reporter, Dai Ibolical to Richmond, London to interview Mr Townshend during the mid-tour break.

D I. It's been well documented that this is your first album for twenty-four years. Why so long in coming?

P.T. I've been decorating the house. Simple as that, really. I'm a bit of a perfectionist so it's taken that long to get it done; it's a big house. I find that, very much like mixing an album, you have to blend and re-do things to get it just right. I don't know if your readers will know much about the mechanics of drying paint, but if you do it all at the same time it's not a problem; In a house the size of mine that would be impossible and, over a period of weeks/months, it drys at a different rate and the colours are all wrong.

D I. Okay... Thanks for that.

The mini-opera was based on your much-read novella, The Boy Who Heard Music, (TBWHM) which, in turn, was a continuation of your much-talked about, Lifehouse project.
Did the "audience" for TBWHM, the bloggers, help to direct the plot, or was it already finished before it was published?

P T. No, they didn't help. In fact, they just talked crap for the most of it. I mean, i love them dearly. No, love is too strong a word. I respected...I read the comments but to be honest, i would have been better off getting them in to help with the decorating. Only then could i have put the album out sooner. That and having a drummer.

D I. How has Roger taken to the new stuff?

P T. Stuff? Stuff? Stuff is what...stuff is made of. This album goes beyond STUFF!

But to answer your question. He likes some of it. But like when the idea of "Lifehouse" was first delivered to the band he said: " Pete, what the fuck are you on about?" "Just write something i can sing about. Like shagging or sumfink." " I can't do songs about kids finding a bit of A4."
My reaction to that was to say: "NO Rog. fuck you. I'll sing it all myself." So i played and sang it to my partner, Rachel and she said: " Mmmm. I think you should get Rog to sing it after all."
So i told him i had changed a lot and now it was about a bunch of Mods who shag like fuck on a weekend to Margate. All i did was change the running order and he fell for it. Well, he is working class. A good wallpaper hanger, though. I'll give him that.

D I. Is it true that you want to animate the story and that you have plans to tour with cartoon characters?

P T. We are working on a script for an animated story, yes. Not sure about the tour though. I have very clear ideas on how it will run and i want Cartman, Stan and Kyle to play the main characters but they are busy filming and the distance between us - not the age difference or artistic distance, come to that - but the geographical distance. Southpark is America. Not on the north bank of the Thames. Obviously, Kenny will be superfluous to the story so he will be killed of at the beginning in some tragic boating accident.

D I. So what next? Is there another album after the tour?

P T. I have about 300 songs that i wrote during the Christmas break in the tour. All of them are...i don't want to sound too big headed but...fucking brilliant. It's a follow-on of the mini-opera and tells the tale of what happens behind the mirror door. But don't tell Roger that. He thinks it's about Mods going to Southend-on-Sea for an easter punch-up with Rolling Stones fans.

Which reminds me, i have to get Doris Day murdered to make the lyrics work.

We will probably start recording in January next year. The tour finishes in the summer but i have a few thing to do before we record the songs. I have a raised flower bed i want to build in the garden and i need to re-wire the garage electrics. I'm thinking of turning it in to a village post office.

D I. At this point, long term girlfriend, Rachel Fuller came in with a cup of tea and to let Pete know that one of the dogs had chewed some wallpaper off the lounge wall.

P T. I'm sorry, i have to go. Do you know? That wallpaper cost me £7.50 a fucking roll! Had it from B&Q on, "10% 0ff Thurday." I may have to postpone the second leg of the tour to get it sorted. That'll piss Roger off. Fuck 'im. I'll tell him i've written another Tommy and he'll be placated.

Dear Readers. This is a work of fiction. Pete didn't say any of this. I lied. AGAIN! But i'm sure he does shop for wall paper in B&Qs.


Suesjoy said...

I see the mastermind is hard at work in his shed today.
Thanks for the always!

Natters said...

Great article Delbut, very funny stuff. I especially liked the bit where Roger didn't understand the story, which is true! And all the fans for that matter!

pictures of lily said...

Absolutely brilliant you!!


neilbymouth said...

Del- this post is your best ever it had me in fucking stitches, its one of them where i go, i wish i had thought of that fucking genius roger ''or sumfink'' classic

Suesjoy said...

Please let Doris die of natural causes though.
I don't wanna visit you in the slammer.

pictures of lily said...

I'm back darlin! Been around just got busy!!
This definately is brilliant del!! Send it to Rach!! I'm sure she's seen it and PT :-)
Hope Lewis has fully recovered. Hope justice was or will be served too! Remember the redhead if need be ;-)

Anne-Marie said...

Hilarious. Another great coup there, Del!

Bex said...


You are totally mental
Don't change
Peeing my pants with laughter this end ...........
BUT you got it wrong btw. It was in fact MY house that Barney chose to strip the wallpaper off the lounge wall.
I would have complained and got them to pay for damage - but My dog Ralfus went over there and destroyed an antique rug and ate Petes sunglasses in retaliation so I kept fairly quiet about it all ..........

Love n Hugs

lryicsgrl said...

You're so clever; love it!!! You made me laugh, and I needed that, so thanks......

I think you should handle all his interviews for him!!


Suesjoy said...

Go Pats!!!!!!!!
(They are forgiven).

Natters said...


West Ham want me do they? Well a few grand a week would do very nicely. Just hope they're not expecting the next Sol Campbell - rather somebody whose afraid to head the ball!

If I'm honest I haven't been paying too much attention to West Ham's results lately. I know that's not being a great fan but I'm less disappointed that way. If they stay up that'll be great though.

Metalchick said...

Sometimes you are too much! but that was a very funny article! I like the parts where Roger would rather sing about "Fucking" and the South Park characters almost being in the film.

You are very funny!

Suesjoy said...

Go Bears!
Who cares?!
Yes they do...

Marietta Zervou said...

This is Pete's best interview ever!
It's Roger's time next...


BlackVelvetLace said...

::Just laffs and laffs and laffs::

Del, you re too much...


Dave from Pennsylvania said...

I just can't believe Pete would want to kill Kenny off.

Quite funny. Sounded like Pete...

Ben R said...

OK Evans, I'll give you a shout before the gig. I think my Dad and I are round in block R (£51 seats, [2nd highest]!!), right near the back of the hall!!

Ben R

Suesjoy said...

So do you think parents of the kids I teach would think twice about entrusting them to my care all day fter my little escapade?
Aw, I've only lost one kid.
That's not bad.
And it wasn't my fault either!
(They found her at home anyway...).

So you got your tix after all for the TCT?
You have a nerve to whine about your seat location mister!!
I would die for a seat on the floor (I mean literally ON THE FLOOR, among the vermin) of the RAH!!


I'm happy for you!!
It will be fanastic.


slipkid90515 said...

That was freakin hilarious. Nice work!
