Friday, May 18, 2007

Oh Dear

Oh dear, this is what happens when a certain lady buys a new car and drives it without Male assistance. Will she ever learn?
There is no truth in the rumour that she went to the pub and left the handbrake off. No, it was a handbag crisis while trying to park, type of accident. Sheesh.


elena said...

naughty Delbut!! hahhaha. Yes, I'll email you on Monday. I'm going to Bilbao tomorrow and I should be in bed, but I'm not sleepy. They have been so nice.

I'm not going to any show in England because I went to the TCT concert, and I'm afraid I have no money, aaaahhhhh.


Suesjoy said...

oh no that's not your new car I hope?


I have had SO many car "mishaps" it's not funny.

ok it is.

Janice said...

I already appreciate who you are!

Afterall ~ you are "the boy who heard Townshend"!!

Nothing can sway me now!

lryicsgrl said...

Hee hee!


Suesjoy said...

hi sweetie.

Suesjoy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suesjoy said...

sorry I got too exciited.

Tink said...

oh my is right. This is not a comment about the blog post here.

I just had to stop by and let you know that your posts over at Pete's are always interesting (yes. they are.) and you rarely fail to crack me up. See, now I can blame you for all the face wrinkles i've sprouted.

Sarcastic - wonderful wit. I listened a while back to the Spiny Norman band. You sell yourself short.

xo Tink

elena said...

Hola Delbut!

Have fun at The Who gigs!!


pictures of lily said...

Please give Rog. a big smooch from me! PLEASE!!!!

lryicsgrl said...

Where can we actually HEAR Spiney Norman???

...I've never seen you and Pete in the same room, it's very suspicious to me....You can tell me, I won't tell a soul, promise!

eyesite2theblind said...

Hi Delbut,

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I appreciate the compliment.

Thank you,

aaron jr

Anonymous said...

I've never understood the thing with the shoes and the handbags....I've had the same backpack for 10 years.