Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Lazy Bastard

My cat, Spiffey has become such a lazy pussy, that she expects me to push her around on this thing. The skateboard, usually used as prosthetic for my disability of one leg shorter than the other two, has been snatched off me by her and the rest of the "gang". The "gang" consists of two, like-minded moggies -both of whom are reaching pensionable age - a badger, a chicken and a ferret called Dunbar.

I know for a fact that the only reason that the chicken is in the gang is for foodstuff. They are feeding her up and getting her fit so at a later date they will pounce. Those guys are heartless.

Anyway, once the prey has been identified -usually little cute field mice or a mole or two - Spiffey expects me to push her around the garden chasing after them. It's ok down hill but at my age, the uphill pushing (ooer) is a bit of a struggle.

I have spent time designing an engine to put on the back from Baked Bean tins, a small fan and a vibrator i found in the local park but the cat can't afford the petrol to run it and someone left me a note saying they needed the vibrator back. (It was unsigned but it looks like my mum's writing.)

I am now designing a cradle to put around Tommy-the-dog's neck so he can pull her. It will make a nice change to see the cat's nose in the dog's arse, for a change.

Anyway, have to go because she just walked in and is rubbing against my leg. That's normally a sign she wants feeding. Why my wife just cant ask like a normal person, i don't know.


Anne-Marie said...

Hi Del,
Funny post. Cats are the smartest creatures I know. They make you do things you'd never allow anyone else to even ask you for.

God bless your Spiffey- she is pricelessly cute.


Suesjoy said...

Ha ha very funny delbut!
You and neilby have the sickest sense of humor.
I love it.

Fleur de Bee said...

Sounds like you have a whole lot of intensive tasks at hand. Hope you can get your hands free enough to fulfill them, sans the vibrator with your cat. How old is your Mum again? She so rocks...er...is being rocked LOLOLOLOL

Naughty Ballerina is OUT of the box!

neilbymouth said...

Loll nice post delbut nice cat, it looks like my cat 'baby' although he never goes out and has sex with aaron knitwear, although lately hes been eyeing a bin bag a fair bit. lol

Dale said...


So that's what those are for.

I will hence go lop 6 inches off my left leg...no my right...no my left...no...my right...

Say, do you happen to have 2 of those?

Suesjoy said...

R.I.P. Spiffey.