Monday, March 24, 2008

My Baby waits in the day for the night...

Ok. So i bought this new geetar. #She is my baby and i love her yeah#.
She is not new really -no, someone else has fingered her - but she is mine now. Ok, the pictures are crap -flash wouldn't work -so i'll take some new ones tomorrow. But it's a Gibon J-200 and she is called Mary-Ann.


Anonymous said...

That's wicked Del, I've always wanted a J200, what a beautiful acoustic! That should get you recording in a hurry! Good on you man, now go and record something!! Oh yeah, I have tunage up on my blog if you want to strum along to it!

Cathy with a C said...

Very nice, Del


Suesjoy said...
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Suesjoy said...

oh my gawd.
She is drop dead gorgeous.

I'm sure she puts a BIG smile on your face every night.


Here's a DELBUT kinda joke:

A nurse walks into a bank, totally exhausted after a
20-hour shift. Preparing to write a check, she pulls
a rectal thermometer out of her purse and tries to
write with it. She looks at the flabbergasted teller
and without missing a beat says,
"Well, that's great..........that's really
great..........some asshole's got my pen."

har har har

grace said...

Sweet!!! Shes a beauty!


pictures of lily said...

That was a good one Sue!
Love Mary-Ann

Miss you all.
Need a laugh, yes the mirror I could use...
So, Im going to read some Del blogs..

Fleur de Bee said...

Still naughty as ever Del!! LOVE IT!!


Suesjoy said...

Did you read my last post?
Go read it if you didn't and then read my follow-up that I posted today!
(Be sure to click on the first pic too).


Your bossy pia friend,

Gary said...

lovely instruments aren't they. I'm jostling with whether to make room for a 12 string, but would it be a rickenbacker or a regular old acoustic, I only have room for one.