Wednesday, October 03, 2007

A rimblerumblerambling from delbut

First of all, i couldn't think of a title so i put my thought process and writing technique into words a la Pete Townshend's coolwalkingsmoothtalking....blah blah.

Ok. For reasons only a head doctor would undertand, i was surfing Youtube for the lyrics and chords to radioheads, Green plastic trees the other day. What a whacked out fucker that guy is. Positively scary. It is a georgeous song but don't ask me to write an essay on it coz i haven't got a clue what he's on about -or on, for that matter.

After watching the video about a million times, i got bored -and depressed -so surfed a little more and found some ice hockey clips. I use the term, ice hockey very, very loosely. It was like a Saturday night in my local town: bodies everywhere just hammering seven shades of shit out of each other. BTW, are you familier with the term, seven shades of shit? Not that i've dwelled on it a lot but are there seven shades of shit? I dont think so. Perhaps it's the alliteration of it ? Now i have dwelled on it, i think there are probably more like 3 shades. Perhaps the saying should go: 3 colours of crap? I can think of 3 colours of crap: green, like a new-born baby, the proper brown colour (although there could be several hues of Brown, i suppose) and Black. Black normally occurs after a day drinking Stout bitter. That's Guiness, that is. (is that the right spelling?)

Back to the ice hockey. It was good in a, i'm a bloke and i like watching blokes stick it to each other in the name of sportsmanship but don't ask me to join in -i'm scared. kinda way.

I'm a lover, not a fighter so i'll go back to surfing por...Ebay, Ahem.

So, what term do you use to express the outcome of Canadian, Bear shagging,hockey stick-wielding grunts hitting each other over the head?

I was going to put a picture of 3 shades of shit up, but i thought that may be impolite,


Anonymous said...

FUN! That's what you call it! Did you go to see the NHL games in London? Anaheim won the Stanley Cup last year. The Los Angeles Kings suck. They finished near the bottom. Watching a game right now!!!

grace said...

ah, been to a couple of Bruins games in the past, right off the ice, wild stuff. Liked it.

Suesjoy said...

Seven shades, ay?
Oh Delbut the great sage, forever enlightening me!

Radiohead??? Wow. Are you going through a mid-life crisis or what?
My friend Laura told me that Radiohead is letting people decide how much they want to pay (on-line of course) for their latest cd. By "accident" she typed "free" or zero or whatever and it went through!

I don't really care for hockey either.
Stick to those Hello Kitty sites, ok?

Be good young man!

BlackVelvetLace said...

So, what term do you use to express the outcome of Canadian, Bear shagging,hockey stick-wielding grunts hitting each other over the head?

Male bonding?


Fleur de Bee said...

Surfin' eBay? hahaha is THAT what you call it? LOL!

lryicsgrl said...

Thank gawd you didn't post that pic.....blech!

But, 7 shades, yeah that makes me wonder.

An aunt of mine (I always have a story) used to date someone from the New Jersey Devils (ok not NHL, but at the time (in the 70's)(erm, can you use paranthesis inside of paranthesis,and am I spelling that right?) it was cool!

well I came here for a laugh, and I got one.

Thanks, you!

Tink said...

I think you're 'prolly right on the 7 shades. You should see the shade of it after the kids eat the cereal called "Trix" Amazing colors. Once, my youngest baby had deep purple-blue poo. I was panicked and rushed him to the doctor, who proclaimed it was from a dye in baby cereal. Dye. How sick to put crap like that in baby food. I was livid. And that was an interesting color. Livid.

Now, normal, regular poo without dye from food additives? Hm. If a rainbow could only be shades of brown, yellow, and green then poo would be a veritable rainbow!

I saw one game of hockey in Chicago (many years ago.) It was exciting but violent. And that was just the spectators. Don't follow the game as it's too fast for my pokey brain. Prefer baseball!

I've never heard Radiohead. Now, I have to go find that video.


Mark T said...

Hi Delbut,

Good to see you yesterday, if only briefly. Hope you enjoyed the film as much as I did. I thought I'd made the big time when I was walking down the red carpet and someone called out my name a couple of times.
See at at the next Who event, whenever that may be.

All the best,


Rich Greiner said...

I'm just posting this because I could be the last to put one up before your next. Hope you are well and the music is treating you better!