Saturday, August 01, 2009

So what's new?

Just a bit.

Been doing a different job for the last 6 weeks. Who knows, it may turn out to be permanent an i can leave proper work behind.

Bought another new geetar. Pics to follow.

Apart from that Spiny Norman are very, very quiet. It's all because Andy is a very, very busy little s*****r. No details, i'm afraid. Strict instructions not to say anything -not even a hint of it.

News is we are in for a practice session in a month. i think by that time i will have forgotten what Egg looks like and I may mistake him as an intruder.

Alun, Andy and I went to see a Status Quo covers band last night. Pretty average really. That's what has given us renewed hope for Spiny. Although that may have been the atmos getting to us as no doubt, we will struggle to plug the new mixer in, let alone get it sounding proper.

We have an updated web site.

go there, click on my name and you'll get linked back to here. Totally pointless but it's a good way to kill a bit of time.


Suesjoy said...

hee hee!

oh you are so enigmatic.

what sort of job?

Glad you were inspired by mediocrity.


I like the new Spiny website!

Peace and love,

Suesjoy said...

Hey Del!

So I see you are opening for Jonnie "Monkey" Hawkins.

Is this the start of a World Tour for Spiny???


Please post a silly/inane blog.

I need it.


Suesjoy said...

oh - and in case you need could start with Kanye West trampling on Taylor Swift's acceptance speech...


is Michael Jackson REALLY dead (or in deep freeze on the planet that isn't really a planet anymore).

Is Rachel Fuller having your baby?
(which is why she stopped blogging even though Pete is still loving your iconic smile and has dedicated "Floss" to you even though his partner has betrayed him?).

and stuff like that.

Suesjoy said...

for "research" purposes:

Suesjoy said...

and then, there is always THIS dude:

I want to make passionate love to him, btw.

Suesjoy said...

oh c'mon....

Suesjoy said...

u r no fun.

Suesjoy said...

I think I have swine flu.

Oh please write something funny.

Go back and read what a comic genius you were/are(?!).
